3 Reasons You May Experience More Dental Problems When You’re Older

Taking good care of your teeth is an important part of life at all ages, but it becomes even more important as you age. When you are older in age, you are more likely to experience problems with your teeth. Good oral care habits throughout an entire lifetime can reduce the risks of developing problems with your teeth, but you may still end up with problems when you are older, and here are three reasons this happens.

Worn-down enamel

The first reason older people are more prone to tooth problems is due to having worn-out enamel. Enamel is a vital protective covering on teeth. Unfortunately, though, it wears out over time. When the layer of enamel is gone or is not as thick as it once was, your teeth will naturally be more at risk for developing cavities. A good way to prevent this is by using a fluoride rinse on your teeth daily. Fluoride builds enamel, and this habit could help protect your teeth.

Bone mass

It's quite normal for people to lose bone mass as they age, and a loss of bone mass can affect all the bones in the body, including the jawbone. When the jawbone begins losing mass, it can lead to problems with the teeth. The jawbone might not be strong enough to support all the teeth, and this can result in loose teeth. In addition, a weakened jawbone might put you at a higher risk of developing gum disease, and this can also have negative effects on your oral health.

Dry mouth

A third reason your oral health might suffer issues as you age is due to dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition that can affect anyone; however, it is much more common with people who are older. Dry mouth leaves a person's mouth feeling dry, and this occurs when the saliva glands do not produce enough saliva.

This may not seem like it would affect your teeth, but it does. Saliva actually serves as a natural cleanser for the teeth. Each time you eat, your glands should produce saliva, and this saliva will clean off a lot of the food particles from your teeth. With dry mouth, this process is not completed effectively, simply because the mouth does not make enough saliva. This can lead to lingering bacteria on the teeth, which can increase your chances of developing cavities.

For more information, contact Kenneth F Wallace or a similar dental professional.
