Invisalign: 5 Sometimes Forgotten Benefits Of Straight Teeth
If you are tired of suffering from crooked, crowded or otherwise misaligned teeth, it may be time to consider talking to an orthodontist about braces. Even if you can handle your misaligned teeth, you may want to consider the impact of your poorly aligned teeth on your overall health. Keep reading to learn more about various personal, oral and overall health benefits of straight teeth.
What Straight Teeth Can Do For You
You may not have thought about it, but there are a number of ways straight teeth can benefit you aside from a beautiful smile. For starters, healthy, straight teeth can result in:
Better Speaking – One of the common issues that people with crooked or crowded teeth complain about is their speech. Sadly, one's speech can keep them from obtaining good employment, finding a significant other and many other things in life that people need and desire. With straight teeth, this won't have to be a concern because the "lisp" that you once had due to misaligned teeth will disappear and you'll be able to speak much more clearly. If nothing else, this will give your self-confidence a huge boost.
Healthier Gums/Body – With your teeth in their proper position, it will be easier to brush and floss. With your teeth properly aligned, your gums will likely fit better around the teeth, which could help improve periodontal health and reduce gum disease risk. With a reduced gum disease risk, you will also be reducing your overall risk of developing diabetes, stroke and heart disease—all of which are linked to gum disease.
Easier Chewing/Better Digestion – Another common problem is not being able to chew up food as well. When you are unable to chew your food properly, it can lead to digestive troubles. This can lead to stomach ulcers, indigestion and related problems. With properly aligned teeth, you will be able to chew your food thoroughly, which aids in the digestion of the food and prevents any digestion-related health issues.
Easier Cleanings – With your teeth straight, you will find that it is much easier to clean your teeth. You won't have to worry about any nooks and crannies that are hard to reach because of crooked or crowded teeth. In other words, you will be more equipped to get all the bacteria off of your teeth and around the gums when brushing and flossing. With your teeth easier to clean, you will have a better chance of removing all plaque and be able to prevent gum disease, tooth decay and other harmful oral hygiene problems.
Better Pregnancies – Believe it or not, your oral health has a direct link to the outcome of your pregnancy. Numerous studies have shown that gum disease can lead to low birth weight and pre-term deliveries. In fact, moms-to-be with gum disease are as much as seven times more likely to go into labor too early or have a baby too small.
With a healthy, straight smile, you will be able to improve your self-esteem and promote a better self-image. This can lead to a much more fulfilling career and social life. Consult with a local orthodontist in your area (like those at Port Orchard Dental Care Center) to learn more about Invisalign and other teeth-straightening options.