Don’t Let Bone Loss Halt Your Dental Implant Hopes

Dental implants might be the biggest thing to happen in dental science in a long time. Nothing looks more natural and is easier to care for than an implanted tooth. For the tooth to be securely anchored, though, the underlying jawbone must be strong and ready to receive the implant. If you've been told that more steps need to be taken before you get your dental implant, read on to find out more. Read More 

Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

Dental implants share many similarities to natural teeth. They integrate with the jawbone just as natural teeth do, and they promote jawbone growth just the same. But although they might function like natural teeth, do they look the same as natural teeth? The answer is yes. Once a dental implant has healed and the crown is in position, you shouldn't be able to tell it apart from your natural teeth. Read More 

How To Make Sure You And Your Child Are Ready For The First Dental Visit

Regardless of your age, heading to the dentist can cause all kinds of anxiety. For children, though, these feelings can be amplified, especially when it is the first dental visit of their life. Keep reading to learn what steps can be taken to ensure that both you and your child are ready for your child's first-ever visit to the family dentist. Prepare for the Visit To minimize the amount of stress at the office, you should consult with the office secretary and try to get any patient forms in advance so they can be filled out at home. Read More 

6 Myths About Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance. However, you have the option of getting dental implants. These implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and look and function just like your natural teeth. Before you decide to get dental implants, you should learn the facts about them. Here are some common myths about dental implants. Dental Implants Do Not Last Long This is one of the most common misconceptions about dental implants. Read More