TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome) is fairly common in both children and adults that dive frequently. There is a large amount of stress that is placed on your jaw joints and this can result in pain for an extended period of time. If your child experiences TMJ, then their pain may last a few minutes, hours, or even days. If it lasts for a long time, then it is difficult to avoid activities that place additional stress on the jaw.
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If you are going to be getting dentures, then you want to make sure you know just what you need to do in order to take proper care of them. If you don't take care of your dentures the way that you are supposed to, then you run the risk of them not lasting as long. They can become worn out or even break on you. This article will educate you on the things that you need to do in order to treat your dentures properly and take care of them the way they are supposed to be cared for.
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If you are an actor and you are planing on heading out to Los Angeles for pilot season, it behooves you to look as good as possible. It's often not enough to study your sides and learn the lines backwards and forwards, sometimes the role might come down to which actor looks better in the audition. With that said, it's important to get ready to the upcoming pilot season this Spring.
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Whether you are missing one tooth or a few of them, you may want to consider the option of a dental implant. By knowing many of the benefits that come from opting for this treatment, you will know to talk about it with your dentist at your next visit.
No Sudden Movement of Your Teeth
When you have a missing tooth or several missing teeth, there will be empty spaces that will cause you some trouble with the alignment of your teeth.
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Missing teeth can dramatically alter the look of your smile. However, if you have lost one or more teeth, there are treatment options available to restore your mouth. Here are a few types of restorations that may be used:
Implant Restorations
Dental implants are often used as tooth replacements. An implant, which is actually a rod or screw made of titanium metal, is placed in the jawbone during an outpatient procedure in your dentist's office.
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