Common Reasons To Lose A Tooth

There are lots of things your dentist can do to save a troubled tooth, but sometimes a tooth simply can't be saved. Here are some reasons a tooth may need to be extracted. Trauma If trauma damages a tooth, it's possible that a dentist can repair it with a filling or crown. Fillings help to fix the tooth and restore it to its normal function, and they help prevent future decay. Read More 

How Can I Get A Whiter, Brighter Smile In 2016?

Are you happy with the whiteness of your teeth? Do you want to make a change? The trick to getting a whiter, brighter smile in coming year comes down to your behaviors and the diligence with which you make and keep your dental appointments. If you're hoping to increase the brightness of your smile in 2016, these tips will help you accomplish that goal. Eat Crunchy, Fibrous Vegetables Crunchy vegetables like celery and apples are natural teeth cleaners and flossers. Read More 

Overgrown Gums: Is Cosmetic Treatment Your Only Option To Look Better?

If your overgrown gums make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance, you may consider having cosmetic treatment completed to improve your smile. Although cosmetic treatment can relax the muscles around your lips so that they cover your gummy smile, the treatment may not have an everlasting effect. You'll need to return to a specialist for periodic treatments to maintain the look. Dental laser gum treatment is a better, more effective way to get rid of your gummy smile. Read More 

How To Preserve Your Receding Gums Naturally And Effectively

A receding gum line is problematic for a variety of reasons. Not only is it a sign of something more serious, like gum disease, it also makes your mouth and teeth more susceptible to bacteria that will damage your gum tissue. Thankfully, there are several different natural solutions that you can make that will reserve your receding gums. Below is a list of the most natural and effective recipes that you can make with ingredients that you may already have awaiting in your kitchen. Read More 

3 Tips To Protect Your Teeth During The Holidays

During the holiday season, it is easy to be bombarded with lots of sweet treats and other foods that are not necessarily good for your teeth.  Unfortunately, what you eat can take a toll on your dental health. To help keep your dental health on track, here are some tips for surviving the holidays and all the rich and sweet foods that come with it. Snack the Right Way You do not have to skip out on sweet treats during the holidays to keep your dental health on track. Read More