Most people use painkillers to manage mild toothache. Unfortunately, painkillers offer a temporary solution and don't address the underlying problem. Often, toothache presents a sudden jolt of pain after biting into a bagel or eating something either too hot or too cold. Teeth ache for various reasons, and you might not be in a position to unearth the cause behind it. So the only way to go about it is by visiting a dental clinic for a diagnosis.
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Even a small chip can be bad. While the chip might be barely noticeable, it can be just the beginning of further damage to the tooth. Read on to find out how bad a chip can be and what should be done about it.
A Chip is More Than a Chip
Your teeth are protected with a hard, strong, and long-lasting coating of enamel, making your teeth some of the hardest parts of your body.
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Undoubtedly, the emergence of your child's deciduous teeth can be incredibly exciting since this denotes a milestone in your baby's life. Nonetheless, after a while, the excitement wanes, and you might lose interest in caring for these primary teeth, more so since they are bound to fall out eventually. As such, some parents believe that seeking dental care for any damage to these milk teeth will be a waste of money, but this is grossly untrue.
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Dental crowns are cemented on top of your teeth and can treat many conditions, from large cavities to chipped teeth. These dental restorations look similar to your natural teeth, so nobody will notice you have had dental work. However, to keep your dental crowns in good shape, proper aftercare is critical.
Here are a few tips for taking care of a dental crown.
Limit Certain Foods
Although dental crowns are durable, they can still suffer damage from certain foods.
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Having straight teeth that are properly aligned is an important part of an attractive smile. Unfortunately, many people will have developmental issues with their teeth that can lead to them developing gaps or other alignment problems that could negatively impact the overall appearance of your smile. Orthodontic treatments are one option for alleviating these problems so that your smile can be as attractive as possible.
Assumption: It Is Always Necessary To Wear Braces For Years
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