Dental problems have the potential to cause extensive damage to your mouth and the appearance of your smile. Unfortunately, it is a common problem for individuals to be fairly uninformed about dental health care. If this is a health topic that you have not given much attention, you will likely benefit from having some frequently asked questions answered.
How Can You Reduce The Risk That You Develop Gum Disease?
Gum disease is one of the more common dental issues that can arise over the course of your life.
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Hockey is known for being quite the violent sport, one which frequently results in bodily and facial injuries. Included in those injuries are dental losses and injuries to your gums. If your hockey team has more people sitting in the dental chair after every game than sitting in the team's box, you might want to consider having an emergency dentist on staff full-time. Here are some other very good reasons for having an emergency dentist on the team and present at every game.
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Are you planning to make some dental health goals at the beginning of the year? Now is a great time to think about those goals and get an action plan in place. The following is a list of things you can start doing that will not only improve your dental health this year, but will benefit your overall health as well:
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Planning to become healthy in the New Year will definitely mean taking a look at your eating patterns.
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Finding out that something is wrong with your child typically takes a trip to the doctor for a checkup. There are some things, however, that you can find out are wrong with your child right at home. Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a tongue that is not able to move like other tongues are. Children who have this medical issue will have tongues that are attached to the bottom of their mouth in a way that stops a wide range of movement.
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If you have ever worried about your child's reaction to visiting the dentist, there are some steps that you can take to help warm them up to the experience. Going to the dentist doesn't have to be scary, and avoiding this routine could run the risk of overlooking serious dental issues. Avoid dental pain and angst later by addressing this now.
Some ways to warm your child up to visiting the dentist are:
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